July 28 2015 6 pm
Please join David Goldberg for a lively discussion (not a lecture!) about contemporary visual
culture–from video games and visual effects to data and scientific visualization–and its
impact on how contemporary artists are seeing the world.
Specific attention will be paid to the ways in which Hawaii’s artists may or may not be
concerned with, reacting or contributing to these developments.
David A.M. Goldberg is an accomplished Hawai‘i based writer, teacher, programmer and media developer who has used a lifelong interest in art, culture and technology to transform the means by which people access, assess and organize knowledge. A San Francisco native, David came of age in the 1980’s and split his time between practicing different elements of Hip-hop and exploring cyberspace at 300 baud with a Commodore 64. A fundamental cultural compatibility between Hip-hop and hacking would define the trajectory of his professional and creative life, taking him through Howard University’s School of Engineering while Hip-hop’s “golden era” inspired his generation’s popular culture and political perspective. Currently he writes art and culture pieces for the Honolulu Star Advertiser and the Honolulu Weekly, programs and manages local and mainland web development projects, teaches in the department of American Studies at the University of Hawai‘i, and independently develops curriculum.