Eli Baxter + Jeremy Dean
Dec 10 2016 - February 28 2017
Opening Reception Dec. 10 6-8 pm
Galerie 103 is pleased to announce its upcoming exhibition of new work by Honolulu artist Eli Baxter and New York artist Jeremy Dean.
By deconstructing and re-imagining a variety of discarded materials, the two artists challenge conventions, offering their unique visions in a physical and conceptual way.
In her site-specific installations, sculptor and installation artist Eli Baxter transforms deemed useless common-use objects into meticulously constructed fetishized objects or immersive environments. In her installations, Baxter embraces the architecture as a collaborator in a process, and, by activating newly created space, she offers her unique commentary on over-indulgence and waste generated by current consumer culture.
Baxter received her master of fine arts degree at University of Hawaii in Manoa, Department of Art & Art History. She is an awarded artist who is exhibited nationally. She is also a curator of Art in Public Places at State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

Trichotomy: the three-part division of hum
an beings into body, spirit, and soul.
recycled bicycle inner tubes, plastic,
leather, rubber stripping
93 x 185 x 5 inches
Tutu 2
recycled bicycle inner tubes, plastic,
feathers, valves, pins
By deconstructing and re-contextualizing iconic symbols of power and wealth, work by Jeremy Dean addresses social, political, economic, and cultural issues. His work spans the spectrum of film, animation, drawing, interactive sculpture, and installation. He is known best for his largest work to date, “Back to the Futurama.” Part protest, part sculpture; Dean transformed an H2 Hummer into a horse-pulled stagecoach, exhibited during Armory Art Week in New York 2010 to a great deal of fanfare.
Dean received his BFA from Flagler College. His independent feature film Dare Not Walk Alone received numerous awards and a theatrical release. He was inducted into the Writers Guild of America in 2008. He has been exhibited both nationally and internationally in galleries, museums, and art fairs.
32 x40 inches
unwoven American flag, needles,
antique mirrors, archival print on paper.
Echo (right)
unwoven American flag, needles,
archival print on paper.
Convergence III
18 x 25 inches
unwoven American flag, needles.
Vibrating Borders
29x41 inches
photopolymer intaglio, screen print,
hand paint and drawing on Hahnmuele
Copperplate, 300 gsm paper.
Vaanishing Boundaries
29x41 inches
photopolymer intaglio, screen print,
hand paint and drawing on Hahnmuele
Copperplate, 300 gsm paper
Suburban Pre-History I
25 x 35 inches
photopolymer intaglio, screen print,
chine-colle’ and drawing on Arches
Cover, 300 gsm.
Suburban Pre-History II (Top/Page-right)
25 x 35 inches
photopolymer intaglio, screen print,
and drawing on Arches Cover, 300 gsm.