wHat                                                    [  view  i n s t a l l a t i o n   |   view i m a g e s ]                                                                         

Dec 10 '11 - Feb 11 '12


According to the dictionary, what, as a noun, means the true nature or identity of something, or the sum of its characteristics. As an art exhibit at Kauai's galerie 103, wHat will explore the identity and nature of many different manifestations of art, unique forms and their raison d'être as individual objects or a sum of all of them.

Featured in the exhibit will be large-scale abstract paintings by internationally acclaimed artist Tom Lieber, paired with extravagant art-couture by New York artist Louda Larrain. These gowns, created from Louda's handmade fabrics and embroideries largely used by Parisian haute couture houses, became an instant hit in an installation at the Temple of Dendur in the Egyptian wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in 2009. The other, just as important half of the SoHo power couple featured in this exhibit is photographer Gilles Larrain. A prominent figure in the New York art scene for more than four decades, Gilles became well known for his portraits of Salvador Dali, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Sting, Miles Davis and Billy Joel. In this show, his iconic images of a model wearing a dry fish on her head, known as Dry Season and featuring a hat from Louda’s collection, will without a doubt inspire some questions and demand attention.

Further examining the overlap between the fields of fine art and decorative arts, as well as any alternative terms, the exhibit will include sculptural chairs from found objects and reclaimed materials by Kauai artist Doug Britt , Honolulu's Christopher Reiner, and Santa Fe's Tom Emerson. These unique seating contraptions all flirt with the idea of art-furnishings, their designs ranging from practical to minimal, conceptual to humorous.

In a mixed-media installation of tulle, clay and steel, New York/Kauai artist Roberta Griffithmakes reference to human mortality through the concept of play with suspended doll remnants symbolizing universal shortcomings and disasters.

At first thought, the only common element connecting these eclectic selections of art seems to be the 1600 square feet of the main gallery floor. But while this initial disconnect will remain, questions about every one of these works will become far more obvious, and that is the answer to why these works were selected and the connecting thread between them. From fine art to art couture and design, wHat will examine the lines between and question the different art forms, inviting viewers to strike up an artful discussion.

Opening reception will be December 10, 2011. Exhibit will run through February 11, 2012.

Art talk and a special event with visiting New York artists Louda and Gilles Larrain, also celebrating the relaunch of Gilles Larrain's book IDOLS (republished after 30 years) will be held in January and February 2012 at galerie 103 in Kukui`ula. Please check the Web site for updates on specific dates and time.