A collage by Kathleen Adair Brown, ‘The Day The Queen Set Up a residence in the City of Refuge.’
“Some of the works selected were previously shown over the five years we’ve been open and I felt they deserved to be shown again — then, there are works I wish I had shown but they did not make it in a certain show as there was no space to hang them, or I had simply missed them,” Stude said.
Featured artists will include Kathleen Adair Brown, Chris Atkinson, Carol Bennett, A.Kimberlin Blackburn, Doug Britt, Margaret Ezekiel, Sally French, Karen Gally, Roberta Griffith, Tom Lieber, Ante Mandaric, Deyana Mielke, Anne Punohu, Rosa Silver, Bruna Stude, Heather Wlcoxon, Willaim T. Wiley and Wayne Zebzda.
Stude said she responds well to work that is rooted in a meaningful idea or intent.
“With the importance of global environmental issues, Hawaii has become, as it should be, one of the centers of conceptual awareness and critical debate, especially about global environmental issues, but also about many other matters shaping human destiny. Art and issues should and do meet here,” Stude said.
Galerie 103 will also be introducing new works from the Summer Collection by Canadian artist and textile designer Katherine Soucie who specializes in one of a kind wearable art created from textile industry waste.
The Independent Filmmakers of Kauai is teaming up with galerie 103 to present a monthly series of film showings at the gallery. This first event is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. on Saturday night. The free exhibit will run through Aug. 16.

A limited edition print with hand-drawn Buster figure created by renown California artist William T. Wiley.
Info: 742 0103